Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here to stay!

Did you notice how many triathletes have blogs nowadays?

That is one of the many reasons I decided to start my own. This is a very good way to commit myself to my training, to save some time for rest (out of work, out of training), to make new friends, to talk unlimited hours about what we love, and to pay tribute to all my heroes.
Love; that is the motto of my life, and that is what I will try to write about. We all love multisport and to face challenges on a daily basis, this is written in stone. But I am talking about the feeling that moves all our bodies and minds against water, wind, pain and hunger. We do what we do because we love ourselves, and we love to be happy and healthy for our loved ones, to laugh, smile and cheer with our friends, in the name of all those who can not go out there with us. And that feeling has no limits, and always pushes forward.
That is the reason of the name of this blog: I am constantly preparing myself for the days to come, and does not matter who you are, what you do, where you came from, we all have more road work ahead, no end in sight.
I can finally brag I am a triathlete, after completing three competitions in three weeks: Kaiser Permanente LA Triathlon (09/07/08), Nautica Malibu Triathlon (09/14/08) and Long Beach Triathlon (09/21/08). I am very proud of my achievements, and I will talk about them in another time. To this date, I have ran 16 marathons and one ultramarathon, but nothing was a bigger challenge than to learn how to be a triathlete. Now I am six pounds lighter, eating healthier than ever, and loving this new lifestyle. You can follow my public training log in under tripleS.
Next races: Long Beach International Marathon (10/12/08); ING New York Marathon (11/02/08).
Hero of the week: Brian Melekian. That guy is living the dream. Brain tumor survivor, he spends his days training, preparing for Ironman. You can follow his blog at Recently, he showed my newest dream bike: Cervelo P4. You can see pictures and comments at
Quote of the week: If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell.
Lance Armstrong
This was my first post of an entire life to come. Please talk to me at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I was surfing the web for tips on triathlon training and came across your blog. I could not help reading all your posts. You’ve inspired me. I guess I’ll become a follower. I also checked BAM’s blog and I am impressed-you’re right, the guy is leaving the dream. Will be waiting for your next post. Take care and happy races