Sunday, February 22, 2009

Marathon #20

Sarasota Marathon (02/15/2009) was a fortuitous finding for a business trip. After a week in a conference, to take the opportunity to run my first marathon in Florida was an easy decision. Moreover, this was my eleventh state to run a Marathon, completing my qualification to join the 50 States Marathon Club. I had to do it, even with broken legs.

As usual, it could not be easy. Two weeks after Surf City USA Marathon, in midst of Triathlon training, with a jet lag of three hours. And I had to finish it fast, in order to be able to have time to take a shower and still catch my flight.

The plan was simple: to do run/walk/run, goal time 4:30, 4:40 at least. I knew it would be hard, with tired legs and mind.
It all started in the dark, and sunlight came just when most of the runners were at mile 5; but it was warm and humid: funny as it seems, everybody was drenched in sweat at mile 2.

It is for a reason they call Sarasota Marathon "A Run with a View". Everywhere we ran there was the beach town atmosphere, and most of the places the course interrupted long lines of cars going to beach. At mile 11 there was the hilly point, going over a bridge, to cross back again at mile 20. And that was exactly after mile 11 I knew it would be hard to achieve my goals.

The humid and hot weather made my tired legs feel heavier, and even the compression socks could not make things easier. Negative thoughts came then to my mind, and everything looked ugly. But I kept the pace at about 10min/mile, doing 3min run, 1min walk. It payed back at mile 19, when I saw myself strong and steady, still able to keep the pace.

It was hard to finish the last miles trying to stick to the pace, but that was the first time I noticed my legs were running on their own, just following the watch. I finished at 4:35:23, proud of my feat, limping to the car, from the car to the shower, from the shower to the airport.

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