Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fresh start for 2009

First marathon of 2009, overt triathlon training, my wife running the half-marathon, and completion of the California Dreamin‘ Series. Surf City USA Marathon (02/01/09) started with multiple commitments, and I was eager to face the challenge. To be able to continue my marathon addiction without interruption of my Half Ironman training, I decided to use the Galloway’s run-walk-run method for the first time in an official marathon. Actually, with my busy schedule I have Sarasota Marathon two weeks after Surf City.

It was still dark and cold (48 degrees F) when we got to the beach start, at 5:30AM. There was a lot of people, mostly running the half-marathon with wave starts about an hour and a half later. Because of all that, this was my very first car-in-the-parking-lot-start. About twenty minutes from the start I left the car and ran about a mile to the start line, just in time for the gun.
I ran straight for the first four miles, in order to warm-up, then able to remove gloves, arm warmers and headband. My run-walk-run technique was then to run for four minutes and walk for one, targeting pace between nine and ten minutes. My ambitious goal time for Surf City was 4:15, realistic 4:20 and acceptable 4:30. I tried to use the iPhone and iMapmyrun to get GPS documentation of the whole marathon, but the cell battery finished before the end, creating unreliable data.

The course plan was excellent, avoiding a crowded course diverging the half marathon start times. As promised, we had a glance of the ocean in more than 60% of the course. It was a nice pleasure to run again in Huntington Beach Central Park, where I did 21 laps last December 27 running the Big Cat Challenge. In fact once more I felt how comfortable it is trail running for me, running at the park and on dirt path at the beach.

Nutrition went well, with a gel every 30 minutes, and sports drink for most of the run. Usually I run marathons with a water bottle in my hand, so I have freedom of choice of when to drink, avoiding the crowds. I can say I never really hit the wall, but at mile 20 my pace was a little slower, mostly feeling the heat (72 degrees F) and I had to pick up a little over the last four miles. Finish time was 4:28:50, making up a pace of 10:16.

I got two medals this time, with the completion with the California Dreamin’ Series (San Francisco Marathon, Long Beach Marathon and Surf City), a nice running jacket, and reassured a new running technique.

Next day I was able to hit the bike trainer for a nice hour.

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