Friday, November 13, 2009


I have to apologize for all these months without posting.

Major part of it is that I have been very busy at work, thank God. I have accomplished many steps in my career, and have made the plan for the next few years, so that was worth. Now I can pay more attention to my wife, my life in details, and my blog. I have done many races, as you may see on the sidebar. I promise I will bring details in further posts, at least I will never run out of topics. Probably will not write a lot about Giants and Trojans, as it seems they will not do very well this season.

Another reason for my absence is Twitter. Most of my need to communicate with the Earth and its inhabitants was satisfied by using those 140-character microposts. And you can see them all on the sidebar as well.

I promise I will continue this blog, as I am alive and well (see the picture of me and a friend at my last race). Even happier on giving continuation to my blog. And doing Yoga more often. And eating healthier low carb diet. And having moved to Beverly Hills adjacent. And having started a small garden in my balcony. And planning my first Full Ironman Triathlon distance.

Talking again about the sidebar, please notice my insatiable hunger for challenges keeps me registering for races.

I am guilty as charged for not giving attention to my blog, but as you can read, I am still the same impulsive, elegant hard worker-but-bad-schedule-follower as before. I love my wife, my life and this blog. I love triathlon, endurance sports, children and puppies.

More Road Work Ahead.

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